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The vision is to create a social network, that is using new technologies to connect people of a special energy.

"A Social Network for Connection. Building a new Reality."

The Social Network should be built by the people, that are using the network.

  • Nature and Technology
  • Spirituality
  • Healing
  • Healthy Systems
  • Psychedelics
  • Q and AI

The world is changing a lot through AI, and we want to build something, in response to this new world.

In a few months, and in the next years, AI will replace even software developers. We will use AI heavily in later stages of the project. The progress will explode and we will get in touch with people that are at the top of the world. They will help us integrate with all other systems and systems like Worldchain.

In the old world, there were opposites, but now, everything is becoming one - working together in harmony. We are living a dream, that is created by your own consciousness.

We want to gather as humans with same interest - for example healing, and expanding our consciousness. Synergies will unfold, and life will present itself as paradise on earth.

To read more about the vision, read this Pdf-file, which was created in January 2024, about creating a Social Network called "Puzzle Social":

Puzzle Social - Network.pdf