Getting Started
This page explains how to set up the development environment.
Install a new version of Node:
Visual Studio Code:
Get the Code
Backend and frontend are in separate repositories:
For each of the repositories, open the link and click the green button:
And then copy the url:
Go to a folder on your computer, where you want the code to be stored.
Open the console, and type "git clone" (+url)
Now you have both repositories stored on your computer.
Install the database
The backend uses MongoDB to store it's data.
Just install it, no configuration neccessary.
Run the projects
Open both folders in two separate instances of Visual Studio Code.
Then, in the menu on the top, press Terminal -> New Terminal:
In both projects execute the command "npm install", to install the dependencies:
Run the backend
Then, to run the backend, execute the command "npm run start:dev".
Run the frontend
To run the frontend, execute the command "npm run dev".
Click the link that is displayed to you, to open the app in your browser:
You should now see Puzzle Social running locally on your machine.
Changes you make to the code, are instantly reflected in the browser.
To learn about the technologies, and how the code is structured, read the next chapter.